A woman from Mohali, Punjab with the LinkedIn username Babina claimed she got fired by her company, B9 Solutions, for standing up for employees' rights as an HR. The company denied her claim and stated that she was dismissed from her HR position due to incompetence.
Babina wrote on Linkedin, “Tried to take a stand for what was wrong as per the laws. But got a termination letter as a result. He mentioned in the email that he will give 2 weeks of time to me but he revoked all the access so that I can leave immediately. This is my chat with my boss and he terminated me because I took a stand and suggested to him that we cannot deduct 7 days of salary for 1 day of absence,”
She also attached a few screenshots of her WhatsApp conversation with her boss.
The company hit back with a clarification note in a LinkedIn post.
The note said, “easy to play victim card and get sympathy.”
In the post, the company alleged that the woman was not diligent in her work, used her working hours to do her daughter’s homework, and failed to manage the company’s social media page.
Social Media Reaction:
Online users expressed their support for the woman. Some said the boss is still promoting colonial rule and slavery.
One user wrote, "Is corporate bringing slavery back?
Imagine giving almost 45% to 50% of our day, every day, then not able to celebrate special festivals with our loved ones. Slavery, right?"
Others told her to file a case in the labour court and send a legal notice for wrongful termination, workplace harassment, and bullying.
Another user suggested, "Babina. Seems you have hurt him in the wrong place. He is the great Kunal Kakkar after all and couldn’t digest ethical guidelines schooling from you.
1. Please file a case in the labour court as it takes probably less than 100 rupees referencing malpractice, modern slavery and fraudulent corporate strategy.
2. Kindly send a legal notice to this great Kakkar for wrongful termination, workplace harassment and bullying and contest it.
It is incredibly heartwarming to see there are still HRs like you and you actually STOOD UP.
Do not leave this Kunal Kakkar. Because today it’s you and tomorrow it’s someone else."
A third user wrote, “It's heartwarming to see HRs like you taking a stand."