An automatic Pani Puri vending machine in Bengaluru's HSR area has been doing rounds on social media for a few weeks. It became an internet sensation after a user shared its image on social media. The witty name of the stall has made it a hit on the internet. Also, it has sparked discussion about hygiene and food safety.
A viral post shared by an X user named Benedict depicts the stall, What The Flavors, and a woman staff member overseeing the machine. The vending machine allows customers to select different water flavours for their puris filled with potato and chickpeas using attached pipes. Sensors and pipes are installed to dispense flavoured water when the puris are placed beneath the machine.
“HSR living in 2050,” wrote the X handle.
HSR is living in 2050 @peakbengaluru
— Benedict (@benedictgershom) July 14, 2024
Apparently, the idea is to bring hygiene and freedom to choose the flavours to the Pani Puri eating experience, where one can get preferred flavoured water into their puris.
Pani puri is popular in India, and a vending machine in HSR Layout has sparked online discussions. In Karnataka, food safety officials found artificial colours and carcinogenic agents in 41 out of 260 street food samples. 18 samples were deemed unfit for consumption, raising concerns about the quality of street food in cities.
Social Media Reaction:
Online users like the new automatic pani puri machine and appreciate its hygienic features.
One user wrote, "Having grown up in Mumbai, I've seen the worst form of unhygienic practices. Bengaluru however is at the next level can't even trust brands like Kfc. The utter greed for money leads to an unmatchable recipe of unhygienic behaviours of the city food vendors."
Another user commented, "Now, you can get your own panipuri, fully-custom."
A third user replied, "Pani Puri tera tauba tauba …. Tauba tauba "