On Tuesday, Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu virtually met with Neal Mohan, Global CEO of YouTube, and Sanjay Gupta, President of the Asia Pacific region at Google to establish a YouTube academy in the new capital of Andhra Pradesh. The goal is to promote AI-driven governance and expand AI to areas like agriculture, healthcare, sustainability, skill development, AI workforce cultivation, and MSME.
Naidu is looking for the tech giants to sign an MoU under the 'AI for Andhra Pradesh, Powered by Google' initiative.
He later tweeted, "we explored avenues for providing technical support for the Media City initiative in our capital, Amaravati.
"With the capital project of Amaravati back on track, the TDP government has expedited the developmental work. As a start, the government has officially begun the jungle clearance works that will weed out bushes in the region and the deadline has been 30 days from now,”
Naidu added, “Keeping in mind the recent union budgetary allocations for Amaravati, the government is also moving fast and is looking at different models including Navi Mumbai for replication of ideal urban development designs. “
Delighted to connect with @YouTube Global CEO, Mr @nealmohan, and @Google APAC Head, Mr Sanjay Gupta online today. We discussed setting up a YouTube Academy in Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration with local partners, to foster AI, content development, skill development and…
— N Chandrababu Naidu (@ncbn) August 6, 2024
CM Naidu has been a long-time supporter of the inclusion of technology in governance. In 1998, the tech startup Google was launched. The following year, Andhra Pradesh’s Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu introduced APSWAN, an e-governance initiative connecting Hyderabad with district headquarters. Naidu conducted video conferences with officials.
Social Media Reaction:
CM Naidu's announcement is getting positive responses from online users.
One user wrote, "This is what makes the future of AP better."
Another user commented, "Exciting times ahead for Andhra Pradesh! YouTube Academy will be a game-changer in content and skill development."
A third user replied, "Very good initiative. All of us know the efforts taken by you to put Hyderabad on the global IT map. We are sure that you will strive more hard to put Amaravati and Visakhapatnam on the global IT map."