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Dream Traders Consultancy: Transforming dreams into reality

By Siddhart Agarwal
New Update
Founder of Dream Traders Consultancy Akash Kashyap Wasiuz Zaman and Bibhash Sarma

As chaotic as its tantalising, the world of stocks and shares is. In India almost 95 per cent new traders jump into trading without prior knowledge or experience, thinking that the Stock Market is a fast-rich scheme and lose all their hard-earned money in a couple of days. Dream Traders Consultancy came into effect with the vision of helping such amateur traders and leading them to the right path.



Dream Traders Consultancy was Launched on 28th Feb 2020 by Akash Kashyap along with Mr Wasiuz Zaman and Mr Bibhash Sarma. Dream Traders Consultancy hoping to reach out to new, inexperienced traders who would be able to easily access online classrooms from their cellphones at an affordable cost. Courses were priced at almost twice the value of the fee charged.

Akash is an Electronics Telecommunication Engineer and MBA graduate in Marketing and Human Resource and he has 3 years’ work experience with Oxford University. However, Bibhash is a Mechanical Engineer and has work experience with TATA Motors and Byjus. Wasiuz is an Electronics Telecommunication Engineer and has his own Catering Business. 

Laying stone of Dream Traders consultancy

Via the movie 'The Wolf of Wall Street', Akash first found the stock market in 2014. That piqued his interest and led to further research and the collection of knowledge. A lack of proper direction, however, prevented him from further exploring this. In April 2016, a chance to meet with an actual trader resulted in hours of conversation and days of study. Finally, he opened a DEMAT account with a go-getter mentality and began mastering the skills of trading slowly. A loss of Rs. 25000 saw him through the burning desire to become a successful trader. He became more committed to making an impact.

As the courses were either too costly in India or were taught by novice coaches, the only reliable alternative was self-education/training. He learned everything he could lay his hands on - books, online videos, workshops. Trading started a full-time journey at the end of 2017, and he began making enough money to turn to a full-time trading career thanks to a particular technique called CP-20 (consistent profits for 20 days, since there are 20 trading days in a month), taking a giant leap to fulfil his dream.

Logo - Dream Traders Consultancy

Dream Traders consultancy as a school of knowledge

In Summer 2019, Akash took off for a complete 40 days tour of Europe covering 8 countries his pictures on social media made people wonder about his career receiving the same common question “WHAT DO I DO FOR LIVING?”. After the trip, he trained a few students Online for the next 3 months at an affordable cost. This encouraged him to push more effort to help New young traders, at the same time the results of his students were extraordinary. During the initial days, Akash’s cousin brother Bibhash Sarma along with his childhood friend Wasiuz Zaman help him who were also Stock Market Traders. With this Akash decided to give a proper direction and structure towards Online Stock Market Trading Courses which was easily available, affordable and valued twice the cost.


Their mission is to turn every student's dreams into reality and choose Stock Market Trading as a full-time profession. The goal of Dream Traders consultancy is to make every young Indian citizen an autonomous, financially free person who can operate independently from every corner, create a lucrative source of income and help to improve our country's economy. With a client base of 800+ in just 11 months, they're highly profitable. Youthful, creative minds who chose stock market trading as a full-time profession have provided enough guidance. 

Dream Traders Consultancy is a stock market advisory company that turns dreams into practice by building the foundation of every trader from a simple to advanced trading career. They believe in setting special, practical targets with realistic result for students. They offer collaborative online training classrooms, where each one of you can interact with the most Experienced Traders along with other students, where one can gather new pieces of information about the Stock Market, clearing your unsolved queries in a holistic learning environment.

Serving society

Without any awareness, nearly 95 per cent of new traders in India jump into trading thinking that they will get lucky and double their money, but, in a few days or a week, they lose all their hard-earned money. Every basic course starts with Dream Traders Consultancy. Based on their experiences, they cover both theoretical and practical knowledge, which often entails training in various market environments and implementing techniques, risk management, money management, emotion control, trading psychology. Via Live Online Classrooms, they offer all the courses that can be accessed from every corner of the globe. 

Dream Traders consultancy offers flexible instalment payments and supports all their courses in the form of PDF files & videos and occasional assignments with after-class study materials. It is also motivated to track student feedback and their results and to provide remedial reports and concentrate on those areas where they need to work.

In addition to assistance/support, they also provide regular market analysis and during market hours. One important feature provided by them is special repetitive and question clearing classes. The students of the Master Course earn lifetime assistance. The best part of DTC is that nearly 80% of students collect the master course fee on average within 40-60 days from entering, few have even recovered within 5-8 business days. DTC is a Bootstrapped Organization

Unique elements of DTC

For a prolonged period, the only way to survive in the stock market is through sufficient knowledge and proper preparation. DTC offers our customers online classes, personal training/ mentorship services and portfolio management. The online course includes three Master Course classes, a Zero to Hero Course and a Basic Course. The Stock Market Trading Group, which starts from the Grassroot level to the Professional level, is the most requested and loved the master course, comprising 10 Intraday strategies including the Popular CP-20 Strategy, Risk Management, Emotions Managing, Trading Psychology, Portfolio Management and Lifetime Support to every client we track and evaluate their results. The 80 Live Sessions are also included.

USP of Master Course is that DTC made it so simple that even a 14 years old kid and a 60 years old Father can understand at the same classroom lecture. Monitoring of the progress and success of every student is carried out. DTC charged the lowest price in India, along with Instalment Fee Payment, for the value, information and time they provide for each student. 

Growth and future perspective

The journey has been an incredibly satisfying one so far. Although the Institute is currently spread across 22 states of India from Jammu to Kerala and from Gujrat to Assam and also in 3 countries: the UAE, Kuwait and Oman, with the DTC team all set to build superior facilities and better courses for a wider appeal and higher success rate, the future holds immense possibilities.