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ALIVELY- Return to Life

By Siddhart Agarwal
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Pasam Prathibha Kumari is a former corporate professional and present entrepreneur. She used to work for a company but at the same time, she also takes care of her business simultaneously. Situations turned hard in this lockdown and she had to quit her job. She started to continue to work on her business and started to perceive her dreams. Her vision is to bring a solution which is existing on the top of the hedge in the current society and that is HAIR FALL. She is a person with a patriotic background and wants to put the ancient techniques in place for all healings. She always wanted to go back to history to find out the natural cures and methods. Currently Mrs. Kumari, along with her husband Mr. Karthikeyan support trying hard to take this business to the heights. She always believed and believe that the Kitchen is the best clinic or doctor or medicine for all health issues. The Idea started with a cute story about her mom's childhood. The vision of old classic life made her start this beautiful business life.

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ALIVELY the name itself proves RETURNING TO LIFE.  Alively is the business formed in 2019. In Alively, oils are being prepared for hair and skin at home in a Small Kitchen. A homemade product with the infusion of herbs and essentials oils. Alively is all about bringing healthy hair and skin back. It is all made with ancient techniques. In Alively, old methods are being followed because they feel that Ancient India was blessed with natural remedies. We in so-called digital life with Artificial Intelligence miss those benefits. Hence, they wanted to bring that Ancient future into peoples' hands. They don't have a manufacturing unit so they can't say it is boomed. But they know that home is the best office ever anyone can have. Alively's thought is not just to make oils but to explain the benefit of ancient massaging techniques with effective oils. They provide free counseling for customers to understand where they are lacking in terms of maintaining their hair and skin and what needs to be changed in their daily life. They also ensure to call every customer and explain to them once they receive their product in hand. Also, they keep numerous follow-ups to ensure that they care for them till they get results. Alively has got more than 300 customers now including few celebrities. The main motto is to bring back the old methods where most of us were benefitted from that culture.  Alively's hope is not only to make business but to make customers (VALUABLE). They want to see our ANCIENT FUTURE returning to life thoroughly ALIVELY because INDIA is a nature blessed country. And yes! As the name suggests.

Founders - Alively

ALIVELY ….return to Life…